Alright, here’s what I’ve been up to…

Its been a CRAZY 2 weeks since I posted last!!

Been stitching like crazy on “Pillar”-I’ll get a pic posted sometime this week, hopefully.

My wonderous hubby helped me figure out how to make PDFs from my current stitching software, so I can put the color list and pattern in the same file.  WooHoo!!  So, I spent an hour/so last week exporting a few patterns from one application into another one and re-importing it into PDF.  My head hurts thinking about it. 

I sent 3 of my patterns to the designer website I found and I’m waiting for a response.  Hope that works out.  Maybe some of the designs will sell and it’ll help make a little $$. may become an option for selling designs too, once I open a seperate bank acct for the biz.  I may post a design/two here and see if any of ya’ll would like to try it out for me.  HHHMMM…any takers???

LDOS is tomorrow, so I’ll have an extra kid running around the house instead of at school.  Think of me and my sanity.

Well, I’ve got to go ref the boys, put up some laundry, do some dishes, do a few things for my sis’s baby shower on Sunday and, possibly, just maybe, do some more stitching.  Wish me luck!!

Small update…

Well…the $1000 grant deadline ended yesterday.

I checked today and I wasn’t selected as a semi-finalist.  😦  Kinda wished that would’ve worked out, but that’s OK.

I got some nice help from friends for finding PDF file software for my designs.  I’ll look at those and check ’em all out.  Thanks everybody.  🙂

Today has been exciting…

Last week, I submitted my profile to (I’m a member there too) to possibly get some biz exposure and applied for a $1000 grant.  I received an email today that my profile was selected and will “go live” 6/18/08.  WOOHOO!!  The grant deadline is tomorrow, so it’ll be awhile until I hear anything.

I also posted some questions on the forums for and received some helpful advice for networking and web hosting service (when the time comes).  I was referred to for networking.  I signed up and received some insta-encouragement w/in hours.  VERY exciting for me.­/WendiCoats

I also emailed a cross stitch site that accepts new designers to see if I could add my patterns.  They need PDF files of my patterns (I don’t have acrobat/design software that will let me do that. ERRGGGHH!!) before they can accept/deny me.  {sigh}

Did some homework about the adobe stuff.  It’ll cost me $300 to get that and another $145 for the Hobbyware pattern software I’d like to give me more options.  I don’t have an extra $500 right now.  😦  Guess I’ll need to wait for a while.

Still, all in all, its been an exciting and encouraging day.

Weekend update with Wendi…

Well,  we made it to and from Alpine w/no probs.  The weather was warm, but not too warm.  My s-i-l’s graduation went smoothly.  Only took about an hour and it was over…speeches and everything.  WOOHOO!!

I did end up taking “Pillar” with me and actually got quite a bit accomplished.  I’m working on DMC 3753 currently and I have the right side of the pattern to finish w/that color.  YEA!!  I’ll work on posting a pic sometime this week.

Mom’s day was good.  My boys gave me my gifts Friday before we left home, so I brought my new shirt, necklace and the essential Michael Jackson CD (Thanks Andrew) with us.

I also dropped some of my biz cards at the motel we stayed at since they had some artsy stuff displayed.  They seemed very interested in what I do, so maybe I’ll get some commissions.  Keep your fingers crossed and send up a prayer.  🙂

SBDC meeting

I went to my SBDC meeting yesterday.  We talked about the biz classes that we attended and said we got alot of good info.

Talked about what I’d accomplished since our last meeting:  posted some stuff on the blog, emailed other designer for advice, stitched a little, more design ideas.  I excitedly told her about my ideas for using Chinese calligraphy in some of my designs (just think those are SO neat looking).  She liked that idea too.

I have REALLY got to get some of these designs stitched.  I have SO many ideas running through my head that its hard to finish one at a time.  😀

Better get off now and see what I can get done on “PIllar” today since I didn’t get anything done yesterday after all.

An update…kinda

Well…we finished our SBDC biz classes on Thursday.  We learned quite a bit about starting a biz(what’s involved), running a biz and $$$.  All of it was interesting and my SBDC counselor and I had already discussed some of it.  😀

I commented a fellow cross stitch designer this week and received some info for a biz website and some books to check out about cross stitch designing.  Pretty exciting, if you ask me.

Haven’t worked on “Pillar” much at all this week since we were doing biz classes and having an early bday party for Jacob(our eldest son).  Might work on that tonight.

Otherwise, not a whole lot going on.  We’re going to Alpine, TX this next weekend for my s-i-l’s college graduation, so maybe I’ll bring “Pillar” w/me.  🙂

I meet w/my SBDC counselor Monday, so hopefully we’ll have some stuff to discuss.