Thanksgiving Wishes

Happy Thanksgiving

Here’s a Thanksgiving wish for any and all of my readers…Give thanks to God for all He’s given us, even when we don’t realize it and accept thanks from those who think we’re best (regardless if WE don’t believe it).

I know that’s a huge thing to do because I wrestle with that myself.

Best wishes for the beginning of the holiday season from Coat Closet Designs.

Small update…

I’ve been working on the baby bib off ‘n’ on for the last week, but I’ve had a hard couple of weeks -mentally- so I haven’t accomplished as much as I wanted to.  I REALLY need to start on the bookmark and I’ve got pix of the finished bookmarks that I’ve got to get posted on here.  {sigh}

I have my monthly appt w/the SBDC today, so I’ve got some news to share.  I’ve officially opened my biz bank acct and will be opening the etsy shop -probably after Thanksgiving.  I’m planning to discuss getting the micro loan to get things moving more, but we’ll see.

Been thinking on the “Sew What?!?!” parties and think that right now its not a feasible option.  Got ALOT to do w/the kids, work, etc., plus I don’t have the funds to purchase all the supplies needed to furnish the stitchers.  Oh well.  Good idea, but it’ll have to wait.

If you’re wondering why I’m writing earlier in the day than usual, its because my youngest son, Connor, has been fighting a cold since last week.  He woke this morning telling me that his tummy hurt, so we stayed home.  Come to find out in the last hour that he was just sleepy and wanted to sleep longer.  {tsk, tsk}  We’ve already talked about telling stories and how he’d better not do this again.  “Sorry, Mom.”

Anyway, I’m off to finish some housework, eat lunch and then go to biz mtg.  Wish me luck.

Designing up a storm

Well,  I’ve designed a baby girl pattern for a baby shower gift and started working on it today.

I also spent about an hour tonight working on the newest bookmark order and think it turned out really well.  That’s been sent for customer approval, so I’ll wait for that one.  😀

My MIL has received her completed bookmark order.  I have now have enough start-up $$ to open a seperate bank acct and officially open my etsy store.  I’ll talk w/the bank sometime this week.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Things to seem to be picking up speed.  Hopefully, not too much.  Got LOTS of other commitments too.

Now, time to get off the computer and watch Heroes!!  😀

1st “Craft Fair”

Well, tonight after dinner, I’ll be working on finishing ALL my bookmark orders (9!!) and putting together examples, pattern printoffs, etc. for the Coat Closet Designs Craft Fair!!

Its not really a fair.  LOL.  Its the THF’s Fall Womens Retreat and we’re just having a slumber party here in town tomorrow night.  I was told to bring some of my stuff to show the other ladies.

I’m starting to get a bit excited and hopefully God will give me some “ins”.  😀

The hubby and I looked at new computers this weekend @ Best Buy and did some pricing.  Might be worth getting the micro loan for the personal computer and…maybe a laptop.  HMMM…

Anyways, I am off to eat a delicious dinner and get to working on business stuff.

Coat Closet Designs 1 yr. Anniversary


Today is the 1 year anniversary of Coat Closet Designs business blog!!  WOOHOO!!

Its been an exciting year and I think its only going to get better.  I feel I’ve made huge progress in getting my business started.  Looking back over previous posts, you, and I, can see how things have changed and how I’ve grown.

Hopefully, the 2nd year will be just as exciting and full of new adventures.  I have more design ideas running around in my head and look forward to seeing them in stitched form.

I feel that God has blessed me SOO much this past year.  I think He’ll keep doing so as long as I continue to do what He wants me to.

Continue to visit and share in the ever-developing saga known as Coat Closet Designs!!

**Edited 11/8/08 to add:  opened an account on etsy today, but not quite ready to accept orders…yet.  😀  I’ll keep ya posted.



Coming in 2009 for the
Lubbock Area!!
Looking for an excuse to get together with girlfriends?? Or finding a unique way to celebrate a birthday??
Sew What?!?! Parties
Coat Closet Designs
Bring your own item to embellish with a cross stitch of your choosing from  6 different themes:
Sports, Entertainment, Holidays, Seasons, Ornamental and Christian motifs
Parties will include 3 hours of instruction and all materials needed to complete the chosen project.
$100 for 3 hours, up to 8 people and 8 invitations
$10/additional person
$50 Non-refundable deposit is required.

Great November Start!!

For those that have been keeping track, I’ve been waiting for approval from the custom order and working on bookmarks.

As of today, I received approval and payment for the custom order (YEA!!!) and almost finished #7 of the bookmarks!!  I have sent the PDF of the pattern to my new Yankee friend (had no idea it was in MA; too cool), so hopefully she’ll post a comment when she’s finished.  😀

I was talking to my “boss” today about biz stuff and she’s thinking to order a bookmark for her eldest son (may work on a proof tonight).  I also threw out the idea of hosting cross stitch parties (ie. tupperware, Mary Kay, etc.).  She thought that would be awesome for teen girl parties (too old for Barbie) and I must agree.  I’ll work on brainstorming some more on that.  Maybe in 2009.  {wink, wink}

God is really opening some doors for me now that I’m doing what He wants me to do.  Funny how that works, huh??

Well, I’ve gotta go fix dinner and make sure the boys don’t antagonize each other too much.  Talk again soon.