Sunday’s end…

Today was OK.  Nothing too exciting.

Went to church-we were there early b/c it was our weekend to make coffee.  Very ironic  that those of us that make the coffee, don’t drink it.  :-}  Almost missed the sermon b/c Pastor Mike switched the order of things.  Whew!!

Had lunch, then, Andrew and I both ended up taking naps, which left our 12 yr old and 6 yr old, playing video games while we slept the afternoon away.  🙂

Went to our new life group this evening-AWESOME!!  It feels like we’re actually wanted and our opinions, etc. are appreciated.  WooHoo!!

Didn’t do anything stitching related at all this weekend-OOPS.  Only have 2 more bookmarks to finish, then I don’t know what I’ll do.  May work on stitching examples.  Who knows.

Well, its getting late and I need to get some sleep before work tomorrow.

Happy 4th of July!!

Coat Closet Designs hopes that everyone has a great 4th and to remember to pray for ALL our leaders, even if we didn’t vote for them.

God continue to bless America!!

Trying something new…

WordPress is suggesting to write something everyday for National Blog Month, so here goes nothing.  🙂

I am almost done with bookmark #2, only a few more stitches to go.  Should finish tomorrow.  Bookmark 3 will hopefully be started tomorrow also.  It will have a section of the globe on it for a traveling related bookmark.

Once this order is finished, I’m not sure what I’ll be working on.  I’ve considered doing a baby book cover for a couple @ church, whose baby boy will be here in September.  May work on designing that cover soon.  Maybe that will garner some business for me too.  Hmmm….

Life is still busy.  The boys (hubby included) will be going off to camp for a week at the end of July, so I’ll have a week to myself.  😀  I usually have grand plans to “really get down to business” during those times, but it doesn’t happen most of the time.  Hmmm…really NEED to get the boys’ scrapbooks caught up.  I’m about a year and a half behind.  If I can just get stuff pasted in them and in order, then I’ll be happy.  Wish me luck.

Guess I’ll get off the computer now and get some sleep.  Been at the movies all day yesterday and today checking “Ice Age 3” and “Public Enemies” for my other job.  Saw about 30-40min of each and they were both entertaining.  REALLY want to go back and finish “Public Enemies”. Gotta fit that in too.