New avenues for creativity…

have been discovered since I’ve been teaching.

I’m teaching World History & Health/PE, so I’m challenged with each new unit of how to teach the info in an interesting way and keep the students engaged.  Some days its easy and others, not so much.

I truly believe that God gave me this position at this school for a reason.  I’m overly stressed with it AND I look forward to going to work (even on days when I wish I could sleep in just a little bit, then go).

I get ideas all the time…sometimes in the middle of a lesson and I just wing it.  🙂

Haven’t Bible journaled in awhile–just busy w/teacher stuff, so summer maybe my time to catch up & maybe do some personal art stuff.  Who knows…

Well, I’m off to relax for a bit, since the new school week starts tomorrow.  TTYL.