Summer’s here…

and I’m not sure what to do with it.  🙂

School’s out for all of us, so I do have some “free” time.  Just having a hard time getting motivated to do…anything really.  Not sure what’s wrong w/me.

I have started stitching a premade kit of embroidery and playing with that.  My satin stitches look OK IMHO.

I have plans to experiment with the oil painting on aida and have some primed and ready to go.  Just waiting on inspiration to hit for a good project.

I’ll try to post some pix of the embroidery once I’m done…may be soon with as fast as I’m getting it done.

Here’s my “official” logo…

Let me know what you think. 😀

Coat Closet Designs logo

Coat Closet Designs logo

August Update…

Been busy….again.  But what can you expect w/2 sons, school about to start and a hubby to take care of.  😀

I have done a little on the designing front.  I used my previously mentioned transfer paper and created a lovely design.  I used a great picture of a fish and the Chinese character for “fish”.  FYI, its “Yu”.  I think it looks great and the kids learned a new word.  I LOVE that!!

Obviously, I haven’t stitched it yet.  I have SOOO many just waiting.  I am planning to send some designs that I printed onto the fabric paper to my mom (stamped projects) this next week, so hopefully, she’ll be able to get those done relatively fast.  Then, I can submit them to the designer website and maybe start making some $$.

Well, I gotta go do some housework and possibly work on “Pillar” some more.

Talk again soon,



Alrighty…it’s been a CRAZY last few weeks…VBS (teaching 3rd/4th graders – YIKES!!), new nephew was born, started my new PT job, in addition to the daily grind.

I’ve been working on “Pillar” and should be able to get her finished by summer’s end.  WooHoo!!

I met w/the SBDC yesterday for my monthly meeting.  I showed her my progress on Pillar, few books I found for inspiration, transfer paper for tracing and putting pictures on graph paper, and we discussed how to go about getting “rights” to design Veggietales projects.  I’m thinking to email them today/tomorrow. 

We also talked about finding a way to get samples stitched faster.  Currently, I’m the only one who “has time” for this – one sister and my mom(she also doesn’t really like counted cross stitch, but stamped) live in D/FW, the other sister has 2 little ones under 3(couldn’t ask her when she’s got enough on her plate) and MIL is busy w/her stuff.  So, we were brainstorming and she mentioned some fabric that will print off your home printer.  HMMM.  Custom stamped projects too?!?!  So, I made a special trip to Joann’s after work today w/the boys to look for this stuff.  We found it (not too bad $$-wise).  This might be a way to send some stuff to Mom for her to stitch for me, I’ll have some example pix to submit to the designer site and possibly make some $$.  Kinda exciting, huh??  At least for me.  😀


Here’s the link where I found the printer fabric:

Just blogging…

Still working on getting things started.

Finally, got my business cards-I’ll scan it later and post it too. 

Teaching cross stitch should hopefully start 1/29.  Should hear from the Lubbock G&A soon.  Got LOTS of stuff to share with my students.

Been brainstorming on the wreath idea and I’m thinking to use silhouettes.  I LOVE those and they’re SO classy.

Anyways…let me know what you think and I’d love to hear from you.

Greetings from the Coat Closet

I am Wendi, the owner and creator of Coat Closet Designs.

I am working on offering original counted cross stitch designs and possible baby/wedding memory books, customized with hand cross-stitched cover art and memory pages related to the theme. I plan for the books to be 8×8 scrapbooks with 50 8×8 pages(page protectors included)-designed on my home computer-and have an approximate 5×7 cross stitch design on the cover. Christmas memory books might be available in the future.

DIY cross stitch patterns will also be available in a variety of themes.  Pictures of patterns will are available.  Sorry that my current software doesn’t do them justice.  I will add pictures of the finished product as soon as I am able to get funds.

I would like to take the time to say that I am a Christian and hope to conduct myself as such. I do have a family of my own and pray that this business venture will please God and, in turn, bless my family.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.