How to Build Your Creativity #yourturnchallenge day 4

Great thoughts!!


Yesterday I wrote about the soul of creativity, which is seeking solutions to problems and/or seeking to make things better. I wrote about how creativity involves risk. Taking a chance at failing on your way to success. If this is the case (and it is), the first step to building creativity is to:

1. Fight the resistance: The resistance is that fearful little voice, that misused imagination that shows you a world of untrue worst case scenarios designed to take you off task. You need to fight this and create anyway. I know this is a common and repeated thought, but I share it again because this is what stops most creatives in their tracks. Okay we’re determined to defeat the resistance and forge ahead, but how do we actually build our creativity?

2. Acknowledge your creativity: I know this one seems pretty basic too, but you would be amazed…

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Create-A-Day: your daily dose of creativity, edition#15 — Vertical Movement

I would LOVE to see what they do. I was in pep squad and took jazz in high school. I miss dance.

Nurturing the Creative Spirit Within

Vertical MovementVertical Movement offers contemporary based workshops across the United States where the main focus is to use dance as communication to God and others. Workshops are held Friday evening and all day Saturday and often end with a showcase of worship through dance.

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