Christian Artist Feature – Gallery Walk with Wendi Coats

I was invited to be a part of this feature. Honored and humbled. 🙂

The Artistic Christian

“The Holy Spirit has been showing me what He wants me to share through my assignments.”

Wendi Coats


Wendi Coats is a current art student and aspiring artist who strives to make God the center of her work, and who is willing to try any sort of artistic venture at least once.  Wendi submitted several examples of her work, and they were all so beautiful I decided to share them all!  As you stroll through the “art gallery” below, be sure to note that each work is accompanied by a small blurb, which will help you get to know this talented artist a little better.

Have fun!


War & Peace Update 5b

War and Peace, Update 5b

Wendi Coats


“Hi, I’m Wendi Coats.  I’m married and have two wonderful sons.  I’m currently enrolled at Texas Tech University as a Visual Studies (art education) major with a Spanish minor.  I’m set to graduate…

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Teaching Creativity…

Great thoughts and something I hope to impart to my future classroom when I begin teaching. 🙂


creativityI recently told someone close to me about my goal to study creativity. This person is a young, forward thinking, immensely creative person and he came back at me with something that set me back a bit. “You really can’t teach creativity, can you?” I have to admit this was a tough one for me to answer. I have been creative from my earliest memories. I can’t exactly say I learned to be creative. It’s just sort of something I was born with. As you know, though, my passion is to help people and the churches they compose to be more creative. His question had me wondering if I am barking up the wrong tree. Are people born creative and is it something we can teach?

My conclusion is yes to both questions at least to some degree. First, I believe as children of the Creator, creativity is in us…

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Christian Artist Feature – Thru His Vessel JB

Lovely work and nice to see other Christian artists. Check hers out!!

The Artistic Christian

“I am the pen that God likes to use.”

– JB



If you’re looking for visual art with a Jamaican flair that is based completely on worshipful passages of Scripture, then look no further than Thru His Vessel JB. This, of course, is the pseudonym for Jen Ben, a Jamaican American artist who feels that every part of her visual art – including the artist’s signature – is an opportunity for ministry.

“I use the name Thru His Vessel JB because my initials are “JB” and because I am God’s tool when it comes to making art,” JB explains. “When I sign my work, I want people to see that it is not me, but God coming through me as a willing vessel to make art. It’s like you buying a pen and loving the way it writes, but knowing that your hand is controlling it. I am…

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First new project of 2015…


Can’t wait to see how they’ll turn out. Hopefully I’ll finish before school starts.

Update 1/2/15: These are my originals that I’m basing these new ones, in watercolor, on. 🙂



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