Trying to reconnect…

to God, HIS purpose for me & my artsy creativity.

I haven’t shared this w/anyone other than “A”, but I feel its important to show where my mind wanders.

Before school started, our church had a family worship time and one of the activities was to write something on a small piece of tile that you didn’t want to become an idol in your life, then break it w/a hammer, symbolizing you giving it to God and letting Him work it out.  Well…I wrote my long-term sub/teaching job (at the time) was something I didn’t want to get in the way of my walk w/Him & become a problem in our family.

My #onelittleword this year is “Peace” and my verse from 9/1-9/15 was:

Isaiah 55:12

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Within 3 weeks, I was advised that my position would be taken over by someone already certified & I’m back to where I was during late summer…wondering what I’m supposed to be doing.  I couldn’t figure out how Isaiah 55:12 applied to this situation until recently.  I could totally be wrong, BUT, I think it applies in how I left my position–I hadn’t done anything wrong to warrant being let go, sincere sentiments of disappointment in having to let me go & the kids’ reaction to my leaving.

After a few days of mourning (yes, I mourned.  😦  I REALLY liked teaching & the kids, even the ones who drove me crazy.), I began to get ideas for art projects & a renewed desire to work on Bible journaling.  There was even a 6hr marathon on this weekend that had some cool ideas for dying your own fabric (Hmmm….{rubbing my hands together, gleefully})

I truly believe that God answered that prayer from before school starts b/c it WAS becoming an issue, in various ways, for our family & that I’m still needed in a supporting role (wife & mom) at this time.  A large part of me feels guilty for the whole situation & for enjoying the renewed creativity, but, I don’t think that’s from God at all.

I’m planning to find other sub jobs for now, help “A” (he’s a 1st year teacher too) & be here for “J” & “C”, while listening for God’s voice in what I need to do next…

Here are a few things that He’s led me to already, in no particular order:

  1.  Get caught up on housework & my Bible journaling challenges, see about making some art & maybe take dance classes (a little part of me has always wanted to).
  2.  Relax from the stress & refocus on my family & myself.
  3.  Ideas for finding way to share Bible journaling w/my local community…I’d found a Bible study in the summer-we pushed it to next Spring since I was teaching this Fall.
  4.  A Facebook friend & fellow blogger/Christian artist, Dave Weiss, posted this today…  I’m intrigued w/setting something like this locally, but not sure how many would be interested.  Anyone???

I know that’s alot to dump, but I had to get it out.  😀

I’m off to start working on that house cleaning, possibly prepping pages for Bible journaling & getting ready to sub for the next 2 weeks at various local schools.

I’ll leave this here:   Lauren Daigle-Trust in You


Something neat…

Last week, I was forwarded email from one of my former professors stating that the Lubbock Avalanche Journal was looking to write a piece about the adult coloring phenomena & was checking to see if any School of Art students were involved in doing it too or studying it.  I replied to the Lubbock A-J about it and gave them some info about how I use coloring & shared about the Bible journaling I do too.

Got a phone call yesterday from them and did an interview over the phone.  Then got a call today to come in and have some pictures taken for the story.  :-O

The story should be in the local paper tomorrow, so I’ll have to go buy a few-ya know, for my family ‘n’ such.

I don’t know where this will lead but…

07-13 Coloring Books 08

New year thoughts…

Well, I started working on 2 of my personal projects before school started this past Wednesday-didn’t get much done on them.  At least I have all year to finish them-that’s one of my goals for the year.  I’ve also committed to doing Scripture memorization with Beth Moore and the Siesta Scripture Memory Team-so far its been VERY beneficial to me.

School for me started Wednesday and I’m gonna be pretty busy-online English, Jewelry, 4000-level Spanish and Art Ed.  I’m about to start my readings for Art Ed and Spanish today…already have homework for Spanish due Tuesday!!

I’m already pondering my Art Ed final project idea…its a graphic novel.  I think I’ve got a good one-just gotta pick the right direction to go in.  🙂

Another “in the back of my head” thought is missions.  I considered working toward my church’s mission trip to Germany this summer, but, have decided that I wouldn’t be a good addition.  BUT, something that, I think, God is leading me towards is becoming involved in arts missions.  I’ve felt pretty excited about even considering this, so maybe He’ll work it out for the future.  I think He has things in the works that I can use here in the states in my teaching career.  Only He knows.

Well…I’ve procrastinated long enough, so I need to get to my readings.  TTYL.

2015 Goals for Art of Wendi C…

happy new year

Well, I’ve seriously been considering what I should resolve to do this coming year based on this blog post:

Been praying/talking to God about it.  I would really like to get back to where I was w/Him earlier this year and find ways of dealing w/those that don’t understand the walk He’s calling me to.

I’m sharing these in the hope that I might get some encouragement from Him and from my readers.  🙂

Here we go:

1.  I got a very nice journal for Christmas…I stink at doing that consistently.  :-/  SO, I’m going to try to use it for this:  Maybe the twice a month update will be something I can do.

2.  I would like to finish at least 3-4 painting/craft experiments that are waiting for me in my “studio”, formerly known as my dining room.  This will be a challenge due to the coming Spring’s activities:  my school courseload, my hubby and sons’ schoolwork, plus graduating one of the boys from high school and prepping him for college.

3.  Try to post to the blog more often.  I forget amidst the daily grind.  Sorry.

4.  Relying on God for all my needs and seeking Him whether things are great/not.

There might be more things I should work on, but these are the ones coming to mind right now.

Thanks for letting me share and I’ll see how God will help me accomplish these and anything else He wants me to do this coming year.