Why I do what I do at Coat Closet Designs…

Just want to share my reasons for attempting to sell my xstitch bookmarks…in no particular order:

 1) Want to provide a unique gift idea for others

2) Practice new techniques based on YOUR ideas

3) Utilize the skills God has given me

4) Earn some much needed extra funds for my family

I’m not opposed to working(as its been suggested to me by others)…its just that right now I NEED the flexibility to work around the our family’s schedule. I don’t want to get something for nothing…meaning, I want to earn any funds I receive, which is why I offer the bookmarks(quick turnabout).

I pray daily for God to provide for our needs and am praying that this could be a way for Him.

The bookmarks are $15 each and 2x8in. I suggest because it is such a small area, names/simple designs(borders, etc.).

Stitchin’ to keep warm this Feb…

Well, been busy the last few weeks-school for the kids has started & mine too, so needless to say, not alot of stitchin’s been going on.  🙂

I did finish a project for a friend of my son, but forgot to take a pic.  Sorry ya’ll.  I stitched “J C D C” (Jesus Christ Disciple Crew) on a bandana and had it look like an ACDC cover.  I’ll try to get a pic soon.  I think it turned out pretty good.

I had inspiration hit during my drawing class a week/two ago, so had to jump on it!!  I bought an apron to keep my clothes clean-working w/charcoal & ink and thought it would be cool to add something to it.  And w/o further ado…

Hoping to get some of my xstitch charts printed out and sell them at the Texas Tech School of Art Show in March.  Keep your fingers crossed!!

FYI: 2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,200 times in 2010. That’s about 5 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 25 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 149 posts. There were 22 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 20mb. That’s about 2 pictures per month.

The busiest day of the year was January 1st with 67 views. The most popular post that day was About Coat Closet Designs….

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were facebook.com, networkedblogs.com, mymarkdesigns.wordpress.com, en.wordpress.com, and bigextracash.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for 4th of july, july 4th, coat closet design, coat closet designs, and coat closet ideas.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


About Coat Closet Designs… May 2008


Pattern Gallery February 2008


Custom Orders September 2008
1 comment


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! December 2009


Tried something new… January 2010

End ‘o the year… already??

Well…I’ve been a bad blogger.  {ashamed head shaking/hanging}  Been extremely busy w/school this semester and honestly, I haven’t had time/energy to stitch anything in the last month.  😦  I’ve wanted to, but homework, plus all the regular, everyday stuff, makes for exhaustion.

Since I’m on a “mission from God” (going to school), the majority of my energy is directed there.  I talked w/God and yes, that’s possible, and we’ve decided to technically “close” shop (tax part) b/c I haven’t sold anything in 6mths and can’t easily divide my time/energy between the 2 right now.

Don’t worry!!  I still plan to design & post them for purchase via www.patternonline.com and just play around w/my projects.  Already have an idea for something new-haven’t had anything in…well, 4 months.  Think that corresponds w/school??  😛

I LOVE comments, so let me know what you’re thinking/what to see.

October, hmm…

Well, its mid-Oct already.  Wow.

I’ve been stitching on 1 or 2 bookmarks for my offering  to my church’s building fund.  Not as much as I’d hoped, but the parable of the Widow’s mite is comforting.  🙂

I haven’t worked on the coasters much lately, but, honestly, haven’t done much stitching/designing at all. 

I’ve gotten alot of ideas for Coat Closet Designs from going to school, so hopefully I’ll start having time to actually do experimenting on them. 

I still have xstitch charts available at www.patternsonline.com, so check’em out!!

Guess I’d better go now and do some homework.  🙂

Stitchy for The Heights Fellowship

I’m offering to stitch 3×5 in bookmarks w/ONLY YOUR NAME in backstitch for $4/each.

Payment is due up front & I will deliver your bookmark ASAP.

See Coat Closet Designs photo album to see examples of my work.


Mini Aug. update

Well, school has started of all of us!!  Think the kids have settled into a routine already & I’m getting mine established.  🙂

I’ve stitched a little on the coasters the last week/so, but no real progress.  I’m planning to try while parked, waiting for Jacob to be dismissed.  🙂

Haven’t worked on any new designs either, since I’ve been a bit consumed w/start-of-school prep.  Hoping to find a rhthym to work it in too.

Please visit www.patternsonline.com & purchase the charts I’ve made available.  Just search for Coat Closet Designs.  The sales will help fund my extra school expenses & whatever the kids come home wanting.  😛

Time for a new focus…

The new school year will begin next week for ALL of us!!  😀  Think we’re all a bit nervous & semi-prepared for all the changes.

So, with all these new challenges, I’ve decided that Coat Closet Designs will be focusing on JUST the designing part of the biz for awhile.  I won’t have as much “free time” to do any major stitching projects.  Of course, I have small projects to work on, but they’re just personal “I-wanna-try-this” kinda things.  I have another set of coasters that I want to finish & stuff to keep my hands busy.  🙂  I’m hoping to feel the creativity flow to create some more designs, so I’ll just wait for God.

www.patternsonline.com has some of the charts I’ve created, so go check’em out and pick one out for your stitching pleasure.  I’ll still post pix & updates, so don’t worry.

Talk again soon.

Another finish…

Well, I’ve completed yet another bookmark order & it turned out wonderfully.  I think I should really quit being surprised by it, but {shrug}.

Other than this last one, I haven’t received any other orders.  😦  Oh well.  I’m planning to try to complete another project by the end of September & submit it to our local fair, South Plains Fair, to see what happens.  I thinking to do my chart, “Goal Oriented”~what do ya’ll think??  I’ve posted a JPEG of it previously, so go check it out.  I also have a wedding gift to finishe by January~another coaster set, so let’s see what I can accomplish w/school starting a month from now.  🙂

Since school is starting soon, I’ll probably focus on designing and limit my custom orders for awhile b/c I’ll have homework to do(haven’t had homework in 13yrs.  YIKES!!)

Please let me know what you think of my stuff b/c I really do ready all comments & like constructive criticism.  TTYL.

Well, well…

WOW!!  Its been a month since I wrote last…sorry.  June is always an INSANELY busy month~bdays, anniversaries, camps, etc.

I have been working though.  I completed a bookmark order last night and think the 2 are great.  Get those shipped off today/tomorrow~forgot the address at home, while I bought the envelope & postage-GRR.  Also, have another order, so I’m gonna get crackin’ on that today.

Bookmark Blitz has 9 more days left for ordering (ends 7/15/10), so if you’d like one/two/three, then you’d better get w/me soon.  School starts at the end of Aug for me & the kids, so I’ll be extra busy.  🙂

I’m hoping to design more patterns during the school year, but we’ll see how much time I have between school, homework & family.  🙂  You can purchase the charts I’ve already designed at www.patternsonline.com , search for Coat Closet Designs.

  LOVE the frayed edge on the Eccl. one!!  My vintage golfer is too cute!!

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