October, hmm…

Well, its mid-Oct already.  Wow.

I’ve been stitching on 1 or 2 bookmarks for my offering  to my church’s building fund.  Not as much as I’d hoped, but the parable of the Widow’s mite is comforting.  🙂

I haven’t worked on the coasters much lately, but, honestly, haven’t done much stitching/designing at all. 

I’ve gotten alot of ideas for Coat Closet Designs from going to school, so hopefully I’ll start having time to actually do experimenting on them. 

I still have xstitch charts available at www.patternsonline.com, so check’em out!!

Guess I’d better go now and do some homework.  🙂

Mini Aug. update

Well, school has started of all of us!!  Think the kids have settled into a routine already & I’m getting mine established.  🙂

I’ve stitched a little on the coasters the last week/so, but no real progress.  I’m planning to try while parked, waiting for Jacob to be dismissed.  🙂

Haven’t worked on any new designs either, since I’ve been a bit consumed w/start-of-school prep.  Hoping to find a rhthym to work it in too.

Please visit www.patternsonline.com & purchase the charts I’ve made available.  Just search for Coat Closet Designs.  The sales will help fund my extra school expenses & whatever the kids come home wanting.  😛

Another finish…

Well, I’ve completed yet another bookmark order & it turned out wonderfully.  I think I should really quit being surprised by it, but {shrug}.

Other than this last one, I haven’t received any other orders.  😦  Oh well.  I’m planning to try to complete another project by the end of September & submit it to our local fair, South Plains Fair, to see what happens.  I thinking to do my chart, “Goal Oriented”~what do ya’ll think??  I’ve posted a JPEG of it previously, so go check it out.  I also have a wedding gift to finishe by January~another coaster set, so let’s see what I can accomplish w/school starting a month from now.  🙂

Since school is starting soon, I’ll probably focus on designing and limit my custom orders for awhile b/c I’ll have homework to do(haven’t had homework in 13yrs.  YIKES!!)

Please let me know what you think of my stuff b/c I really do ready all comments & like constructive criticism.  TTYL.

Well, well…

WOW!!  Its been a month since I wrote last…sorry.  June is always an INSANELY busy month~bdays, anniversaries, camps, etc.

I have been working though.  I completed a bookmark order last night and think the 2 are great.  Get those shipped off today/tomorrow~forgot the address at home, while I bought the envelope & postage-GRR.  Also, have another order, so I’m gonna get crackin’ on that today.

Bookmark Blitz has 9 more days left for ordering (ends 7/15/10), so if you’d like one/two/three, then you’d better get w/me soon.  School starts at the end of Aug for me & the kids, so I’ll be extra busy.  🙂

I’m hoping to design more patterns during the school year, but we’ll see how much time I have between school, homework & family.  🙂  You can purchase the charts I’ve already designed at www.patternsonline.com , search for Coat Closet Designs.

  LOVE the frayed edge on the Eccl. one!!  My vintage golfer is too cute!!

Summer’s here again…

Sorry that’s its been awhile everyone…been busy w/end-of-school stuff for the kids, getting MY school stuff set up & working on some wedding gifts.

I did finish the coaster set and got them put the acrylic cases…AWESOME and they LOVED them!!  🙂

I also finished another wedding gift…this time a trivet.  That will be given tomorrow at the shower.  Hope it goes over well.

Lastly, I decided to play with making xstitch pendants….I’m LOVING the DMC light effects for the sparkle, BUT don’t like that the pendant is too light.  :-}  Gotta see about playing w/some metal pendants, then adhereing the xstitch project to it.  Hmmm…more stuff to wait for more money to arrive.  Oh well. 

Comment anytime…

New chart is up!!

I uploaded a new xstitch chart to www.patternsonline.com today, “Soaring”!!  I think it looks great and has a great message too.  🙂

I did finish stitching the coasters I’d been working on and have decided not to experiment on a wedding gift right now, so I’ll just get them set up in plastic coaster covers I bought from Herrescherners(?).  🙂

Haven’t stitched much b/c I’ve been uber-busy w/the kids’ end-of-school stuff and just being too tired.  Haven’t gotten any new orders for bookmarks, but that’s ok.  Seems God knows best…again…what I need right now.  Probably won’t do any stitching this weekend either since we’ll be having family come in for one of my nephew’s bday.  May need some prayers for peace & wisdom though~ya’ll how it can be w/family.

Let me know what you think of the new chart and anything else I’m working/doing.  Talk again soon.

Coat Closet Designs 2010

Coaster 1st attempt

I’ve been working hard the last week/so on a coaster set idea for friends getting married soon and finished stitching them today!!  YEA!!  I think they look awesome and I”m trying to figure out how to finish them since I don’t have any $$ for plastic coaster covers.  Any suggestions??  LOVE the colors I used~greens and E436 for the words!!  🙂  Planning to make another set for another couple, but those will be blue.

I’m also going to upload the charts for each of the coasters on www.patternsonline.com , 1 per week and see how those go.  Haven’t sold any patterns since Feb.  😦

Without further ado, here are the pix:

Saturday Morning Update

Guess what….I  got ACCEPTED into TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY!!!  😀

 Got my acceptance letter Wednesday, so now I’m just waiting for my financial aid stuff to come through!!  WooHoo!!  Come on, God!!  Know you’ll provide what we need!!

On a more stitchy note, I’ve started working on some coasters that I designed for some friends to see how they’ll turn out.  Went to Hobby Lobby yesterday to pick up some plastic coaster sets(put the xstitch project inside) AND they don’t sell them anymore.  😦  Guess I’ll have to order some through Herrscherner’s soon.

My patterns are still available via www.patternsonline.com & www.coatclosetdesigns.etsy.com , so feel free to go check’em out.

Mid-April musings.

Well, March wasn’t very relaxing.  We were still just as busy as before & we’ll probably stay busy for awhile.  :-}

I’ve been working on 3 corner bookmarks to practice the idea.  I think they turned out OK…can’t seem to get the fabric to roll like I’d prefer.  I leave the bottom open to go over the book pages.  Hmmm…ya’ll let me know what you’re thinking of them.

I’m still in the application/reviewing process to attend Texas Tech University.  Hopefully in another week/so, I’ll know something for sure.  🙂  Trying not to stress too much about school, but that’s something God’s going to have to help me with.

Bookmark Blitz started Sunday, but no orders yet.  That’s OK.  Maybe I’ll get a few between now & July.

Just keep me in your prayers for various things & comment anytime.  I LOVE hearing from you!!

Xstitch charts from Coat Closet Designs available at www.patternsonline.com & www.coatclosetdesigns.etsy.com .

Happy Easter!!

Coat Closet Designs wishes everyone a Happy Easter and prays for blessings in all we do.

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