Been busy…

doing all sorts of stuff-helping w/kids’ homework, starting a new Bible study @ church(Priscilla Shirer, One in a  Million) and all of the regular chores.

Biz-related, I’ve been working HARD on the 15 green minis and I have 8 done and 7 to go.  😀  Been trying to limit my internet fun and really focus on the bookmarks and it seems to be working.  I’m hoping to have them all stitched and finished by next Tuesday.  Wish me luck!!

My charts have been selling well at PatternsOnline and I have received my 1st royalty check($20)!!  I’m currently at half of that now and we’re only 3 weeks into the 1st quarter!!  WooHoo!!

I’m praying for $80 to arrive sometime since I want to buy PCStitch for the biz and start getting a bigger royalty.  Hehe…

Well, gotta finish lunch and get some more stitching done!!  Comment anytime., Coat Closet Designs

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